Monday, March 10, 2014

Busy Week

I had a really busy week.  Jacob went to the testing for 3 mornings.  While I was there I did crochet 2 more dishcloths. 
It is getting easier now and less mistakes.  I followed a pattern for the first one and I thought it was too big when I was finished. 

I decided to make the next one smaller. 

I also started more seeds outside and I did it exactly like the first box.  This box was planted March 5. 
I planted bok-choy, blue curled Scotch kale, and another kale that is a dwarf blue Scotch.  I planted a little bit of sage, thyme, dill and oregano.  I planted some marigolds, Petite Orange, Lemon Drop, and Crackerjack.  I also decided to plant some marigold seed that I have saved since 2011.  I am not sure what kind it is.  It is either Lemon Drop or Crackerjack.  I marked the sack yellow marigold.  I also planted some
Shasta Daisy seed that I saved in 2011 from the daisy in the herb garden.

I then planted a milk jug with Bloomsdale spinach.  The jug is sitting in a compost bin and looks nice and warm. 
After I went through all this trouble and I marked everything down in my Garden Notebook and I knew which rows had what planted, I went out and checked the boxes.  The plastic had leaked and the cups were sitting in water.  I took them out of the big box, put the cups in seed trays and put them in the greenhouse to dry out. Some of the seeds are coming up today, but I have no idea what they are yet.  All the cups are moved around, so now I will have to just wait and see what they are.  I will not know what kind of marigolds they are until they come up, but the seed I had saved, I should know that cup because I put a lot more in the cup since I was not sure if the seed is good.  The other marigolds were planted 5 in a cup, one in each corner and one in the middle.

I made the seed orders and I am going to start planting more seed tomorrow.  Andy is going to start on the little greenhouse on the patio for me, so I can put the cabbage and onions outside.  He is also talking about turning the old swing set into a greenhouse. 

I worked in the garden for awhile the other day.  I worked on a compost bin and I moved some old straw in the garden and underneath the strawberries are coming alive.  I cannot see any garlic coming up yet, but the chives are coming up and a few dandelions are appearing.  Spring is on the way! 

1 comment:

  1. Dandelions?! Woohoo! Can't wait to have more daisies. :) Swing set greenhouse is a good idea.
