Friday, February 21, 2014

People Who Live To Be 100 Years Old

I read an article the other day that showed areas of the world where large groups of people lived to be healthy at older ages and had an unusual amount of people that were 100 years old.  The things they had in common were they ate mostly plant based diets.  They might eat a little chicken or eggs.  They never ate until full.  I have heard this of the people in Okinawa, Japan, and these other areas were the same.  They all got a lot of sun.

Their exercise is what surprised me.  They did not do exercise that was hard, like weight lifting or I guess they did not use structured exercise programs.  A lot of these people exercised 5 hours a day, but this was working in gardens, walking, doing exercise that was not hard.  I could see working in a garden that long. I can go outside and lose track of time.

I read the people in Okinawa walk and ride bikes to visit friends and go shopping.  Most of the people have a lot of friends and belong to churches.  They have communities where they feel that they belong. 

I have read so much of people changing their lives by eating more fruits and vegetables.  There is the story of the woman that ate 9 cups of vegetables and fruit a day and cured her MS.

My dad used to tell a story about a friend of his. He was very old and people would ask him how he got to be so old, and he always would tell them, "I never strained at nothing." I think if you enjoy gardening that it can be a very healthy way to live. I am going to try to get to the 9 cups of fruit and vegetables a day.

1 comment:

  1. Well our chicken intake should account for about the same amount as them! And that's not even mentioning you and dad and all the eggs you eat..
