Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Huckleberry Kefir, Zucchini News And Another Dishrag

I put the kefir in the refrigerator last night. It sat on the table for 26 hours. Today, I thawed some huckleberries and made a quart of huckleberry kefir. It is good. We do not have a lot of huckleberries, but enough to make more. The next quart may be raspberry. I would not bother to make kefir if I had to buy the fruit. I have a lot of fruit in the freezer, so it makes sense right now to do this. I think it tastes better than the store kind. My kids sort of agree. I do not think my son likes he seed things in his and that is what you will have with berries.
Huckleberry Kefir

I am trying to make room in the freezers for the new garden produce this year.  I found a recipe for a yellow squash casserole. It used a lot of cheese and bread crumbs. It is very good, but not good for me on a diet. I have a Health Food board on Pinterest and the recipe is in there. It used 4 pounds of yellow squash, so it will come in handy this summer. I also have a recipe I pinned for Lemon Zucchini Bread. My daughter made that and it is really good. I have a lot of shredded zucchini squash too that I use for bread and soup.
Lemon Zucchini Bread
I enjoy using Pinterest for recipe ideas and I have another one for Zucchini Fritters I will be trying soon.

I also finished another dishrag. It did not take very long. I did it watching a movie last night. I finally figured out how to do single crochet and not have the rows growing or decreasing. My first dishrags were half double crochet and this one is single crochet. I am not sure what I will make next.

I am trying to use up the yarn I have and practice with this before going to buy any new yarn. I have some yarn that is not cotton that I have planned to make a scarf with. I like the cotton yarn better for some reason.


  1. The dishrag looks great! Crocheting is a great activity to do while watching movies!

    The Lemon Zucchini Bread looks positively delicious. :)

    1. Thank you! The bread really is good. Rachel made 2 loaves and we put one in the freezer.

  2. Just noticed, what happened to the story about your parents?...it was so inspiring!

    1. I thought I had too many subjects and decided to take that page off. I thought I had saved it, but it is gone. I may make a new page with them. Thank you for the kind words!

  3. I love the lemon taste! And the Kefir is very good after it chilled.
    Pretty dishrag colors :)
